Kofukan Karate Australia

Terms & Conditions of Training

Terms and Conditions of Training

Every student (or their parent or legal guardian, if the student is under 18 years of age) agrees to the following terms and conditions:
  1. I acknowledge that karate carries a real risk of personal injury or harm.
  2. I acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by law, the Association, Association-affiliated instructors and other students and members of the Association shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury to my person or property while participation in training, competition or other activity or attending any property occupied by the Association or Association-affiliated instructor.
  3. I acknowledge and agree to comply with the Rules and policies of the Association, any conditions of entry to a dojo, any condition of training at a dojo, and any lawful instruction of an Association-affiliated instructor.
  4. I understand that I must maintain my membership with the Association whenever I am active/training with a Kofukan dojo and/or to be eligible to attend Association events.

Code of Conduct

Privacy Policy - your personal information

By registering as a member, you agree to disclose certain personal information, such as your name and contact details.

As an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (Western Australia), your membership means your personal information is entered into the register of members. Under the Act, in certain circumstances other members and regulatory authorities may view the register of members. 

All members of Kofukan Karate Australia Inc. must also become members of the Australian Karate Federation (Karate Australia). Karate Australia manages your personal information in line with its own Privacy Policy.

For further information about how we use, store and disclose your personal information, refer to the Legal Notices page.

Photo Permission

Students may be photographed at any Association-affiliated event or dojo and photos may be published, for example on social media or websites. If you wish a photo of you or your child to not be published, or to be removed from publication, please advise your principal instructor (if published by them) or the Association (if published on this website).