Brown Belt Training Seminars 2023
This is a special quarterly seminar open to all Kofukan Brown Belts (3rd mon-kyu to 1st kyu), and Black Belts are encouraged to attend.
These seminars are essential for any brown belt, particularly those planning to grade within the following year.
Sunday 29 October: 12:30 – 2:30pm, Byford Secondary College, Byford (in the gymnasium of Gordin Way – entry gate may be closed, use exit gate)
(panel grading Kalgoorlie 12 November 2023)
(panel grading Perth 26 November 2023)
Past Seminars
Sunday 19 February: 9:30-11:45, Kwinana Dojo, corner Barker Rd and Mortimer Rd, Wellard
Sunday 6 August: 12:00 – 2:15pm, Oakwood Primary School, Meadow Springs