New committee elected at Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting on 5 March 2023, a new Management Committee for the Association was elected:
- Don McKay – Chairperson (re-elected)
- Brian Chambers – Deputy Chairperson
- Iain Humphreys – Treasurer (formely Deputy Chairperson)
- Lindon McKenna – Secretary (re-elected)
- Ordinary committee members:
- Corey Parker
- David Atkinson
- David Hatte
- Julie Koenig
- Monique Kroese
- Robert Sage
- Skye Robinson
- Stuart Ree-Simpson
At the AGM, members also accepted the Annual Report for 2022.
The Annual Report outlines the work of the Association for the 2022 year, the governance of the Association and the financial statements.
View the Annual Report here.
“It has been a year since the inauguration of the new association and the inception of our first active Technical Committee. None of this could have happened without trust, honour, and support for each other,” said Chaiperson, Don McKay.
“I would like to thank all members of [the] administration for their countless hours in setting up the new administration, social media platforms and a dynamic informative website while striving to set new standards of operation and keeping the big wheel turning.”